Are you tired of being tired, not feeling your best or grappling with persistent perimenopause symptoms?
If life doesn’t feel much fun any more, I would love to help you change that, because the right nutrition can make a world of difference to the way you feel through menopause, midlife & beyond. I’ve made it my mission to provide real-world guidance & support in just the way you need it.
My Menopause Nutrition Clinic supports super-busy women in midlife who want to feel energised, look great and make the most of life. Find out more about my tailor-made nutritional programmes here, or book in for a FREE, no-obligation discovery call.
Buy Jackie's new book on menopause nutrition.
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Season 6 • Episode 13
Sally Evans, Winery Owner & Author
Season 6 • Episode 12
Christien Bird, Chartered Women's Health Physiotherapist
Season 6 • Episode 11
Petronella Ravenshear, Nutritionist & Author
The programme I have followed has massively improved my health. Jackie’s guidance has changed my life, compared to the previous 12 months since becoming unwell.
– Cathy, 56
A wonderful, life-changing exercise. I feel so much better!”
– Sian, 35
I was riddled with candida and exhausted all the time. Through Jackie’s careful, thoughtful and inspired advice and help, I have been transformed into a healthy active mother of four. Quite simply, Jackie has changed my life.
– Clare, 47
I have struggled for close to 20 years with night sweats, hot flashes and insomnia contributing to real difficulties affecting my life and mood. The programme Jackie created for me cut the symptoms in half within the first 6 months and has now almost eliminated the problems that I have had to deal with for so long. Really there are no words, to express how good it feels. Impressive and so incredibly helpful.”
– Jamie, 59
I am disappointed I didn’t go to see Jackie after I gave up rugby some years ago! Jackie helped me to reduce refined carbs in my diet and to find foods that I really enjoy but that are actually good for me. And my indigestion problems have disappeared too. I’ve lost a stone, feel great and Jackie tells me that if I continue on the current path, I will continue to lose weight in a healthy fashion.
– Brendan, 39
For years I struggled with constantly waking up fatigued, even after a good night’s sleep, and a “spare tyre” that would not go away. After a nutritional consultation with “WellWellWell” and putting in place Jackie’s bespoke recommendations, I have more energy, and discovered I do have abdominal muscles. I wish I had sought out a nutritional therapist’s advice years ago.
– Patrick, 48
The doctor of the future will no longer treat the human frame with drugs, but rather will cure and prevent disease with nutrition.
– Thomas Edison
Jackie is really approachable and doesn’t try to turn you into a health freak who is impossible to have round for dinner. She is very pragmatic, and explains things clearly and simply so you understand the causes and feel able to manage things for yourself.
– Claudia, 38
I’ve been to see lots of nutritionists but Jackie is the only person who’s managed to break a life long daily chocolate habit that was piling on the pounds. Not only that, I’ve got tons more energy, look leaner and feel fantastic.I’d highly recommend her to anyone looking for the very best.
– Tracey, 49
Working with a trained menopause nutritionist can make a world of difference to the way you feel. You can choose from a range of programmes which are carefully designed to provide personalised and flexible nutritional advice to support you and fit with your busy schedule. I run my menopause nutrition clinic remotely, via online video link, to ensure you receive the help you need, wherever you’re based. Find out more about my tailor-made nutritional programmes here.
If you’re not sure which programme’s right for you contact me to arrange a free 20-minute telephone assessment to discuss your health goal and help you decide whether a WellWellWell nutrition programme is right for you.
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It's never too early to be thinking about your hormones, because your body is laying the groundwork for read more
There’s much more to sourdough than just great-tasting bread; in fact, there are a number of surprising health read more
Which wine is likely to add the most inches to your waistline red, white or sparkling? If you’re dying for a pizza, how can you keep the damage to a minimum? Faced with this type of difficult decision, The Right Bite is here to help you make the least bad choice. It’s full of accessible, practical advice for all those everyday occasions when you might be tempted to have a little treat but don't want to do too much damage more
Are you tired all the time? Whether you're 29 or 69, it's more than likely that your diet and lifestyle are the main culprits and that simple changes to what you eat will help your energy levels to flourish again. This book is for all of you who don't want to take your lack of energy lying down! It’s a simple, practical food and lifestyle plan to help you rediscover your Va Va Voom in just 10 more
This practical nutrition and lifestyle guide provides women with the tools to build their own menopause diet and specifically target the symptoms they are experiencing. Nutrition can support a healthy and happy menopause in myriad ways, but there is no one-size-fits-all approach.The Happy Menopause provides the solution by enabling you to create your own menopause resilience plan. more
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A bit of forward planning could make a huge difference to your menopause experience. Here read more
Chatting to Deborah Kobylt on her show about a nutritional approach to managing the menopause. read more
I work with women who want personalised nutrition advice with regular support and a flexible approach to help them navigate the menopause – there are multiple ways that diet and lifestyle can support you this transitional phase and help you to adjust to the new version of you, post-menopause. This is absolutely the right time to take a proactive approach to your health and well-being! My great passion is to make sure you retain the joy of eating delicious food at the same time as making smart choices for optimum health. More about Jackie >>