A Balanced Approach to Rebalancing Hormones – Wellbeing Radio
Discussing menopause, hormone balance and gut health with Ruth Devlin on her Wellbeing Radio programme. Tune in for a host of foodie tips to keep you fit and well in midlife.
Discussing menopause, hormone balance and gut health with Ruth Devlin on her Wellbeing Radio programme. Tune in for a host of foodie tips to keep you fit and well in midlife.
I selected a variety of vegan offerings, scoring each for health and taste to decide whether the vegan version won, or whether you’d be better off sticking to the original. Here's my verdict in the Mail on Sunday.
Low libido can be a real challenge in midlife, as the decline in sex hormones that comes with the menopause affects arousal and sexual desire. The right nutrition can make a real difference to the way you're feeling, so here are 4 Ways to Boost Your Libido With Nutrition.
We don't often talk about it, but vaginal dryness affects most women during the menopause and can significantly affect your quality of life. Here are 4 ways that diet can help to relieve the symptoms in a blog I wrote for Sylk.
Low calorie ice cream is causing a stir this summer, so I look into it for the Mail on Sunday. Here's what happened when I got busy with my spoon! Icecream 1 Icecream 2
If you've been letting things slide lately, here's a little something to help you get back on track. Which of my 4 challenges will you pick for Healthy Eating Week? 4 Simple Tips to Shake Up Your Diet.
"Easy and enjoyable" - Women's Health Physio, Myra Robson tested the 10-Day energy programme in my book Va Va Voom. Read her story and find out how the diet banished her hot flushes.
'How refreshingly positive to have a “do this” attitude rather than a "don’t do this" one'. Specialist Women's Health Physiotherapist Myra Robson gives her personal analysis of Va Va Voom. Read on to see what she has to say and look out for part 2 which is coming soon, READ MORE
No "weird stuff", radical regimes or drastic eliminations! Even simple dietary changes can make a world of difference to how you feel. Here's a review of my Nutrition & Health MOT by the lucky winner of the #PositivePause competition.
Restricting certain food groups can bring relief for people who suffer from IBS or bloating. Here are my thoughts on how the low FODMAP diet could help improve your digestive symptoms for Net Doctor.
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