Nutrition Made Easy For Busy People

The Menopause Minute – 60 Seconds on B Vitamins

Women in their 40s and 50s can often be low in B vitamins, which can leave you feeling tired, overwhelmed and generally low. Constant exposure to stress; regular (even if you keep it moderate) alcohol consumption and cooking methods can all deplete B vitamins. Find out more about B vitamins [WATCH VIDEO]

The Menopause Minute – 60 Seconds on Bone Health

Women reach peak bone density at around 30. It gradually declines from there, with a sharp drop after the menopause, decreasing by up to 20% which increases the risk of fractures, so it’s a hot topic for women in midlife. Find out how bone renewal works, how diet and lifestyle [WATCH VIDEO]

The Menopause Minute – 60 Seconds on Vitamin C

This is my absolute go-to vitamin for anyone who's tired, rundown, stressed or struggling with illness or injury. And if that's not enough, it can even help reduce mild hangover symptoms! It really is a star vitamin!  Treat yourself to 60 seconds of self-care and find out why vitamin C [WATCH VIDEO]

The Menopause Minute – 60 Seconds on Calcium

Find out which nutrients work in synergy with calcium to support bone health, why vitamin D is vital and how to choose a good calcium supplement. If you want to find out more about nutrition and all the ways it can support your health, you can order my new book [WATCH VIDEO]

The Menopause Minute – 60 Seconds on Magnesium

Magnificent magnesium is every menopausal woman's best friend because of the role it plays in helping to calm the nervous system, regulate the body's response to stress and support your flagging energy levels. Find out more about this marvellous mineral and how you add it to your diet in my [WATCH VIDEO]

The Menopause Minute – 60 Seconds on Vitamin D

This video is all about Vitamin D which is a one-stop shop to great physical and mental health! 🌞 Find out why you should be topping up with Vitamin D to keep your bones, brain and immune system in great shape. Check out my other Menopause Minute videos for a 60-second [WATCH VIDEO]

The Menopause Minute – 60 Seconds on Iron

If you feel constantly tired and weak, have frequent headaches, a sore tongue, dizziness, palpitations or thinning hair, tune in to find out how iron deficiency could be part of the picture and what to do about it. Check out my other Menopause Minute videos for a 60-second nugget of practical [WATCH VIDEO]

The Menopause Minute – 60 Seconds on Vitamin B12

Feeling tired, foggy or forgetful? Check out your vitamin B12 levels. Vital for memory function, energy and mood, a deficiency in is a common cause of brain fog, poor concentration, low mood and fatigue. Make sure that low levels aren't playing a part in your menopause symptoms.  If you want [WATCH VIDEO]