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How to Live a Longer, Healthier, Happier Life – The Happy Menopause Podcast

Season 2 • Episode 7
Susan Saunders, Health Coach & Author

Ageing is something that inevitably starts to preoccupy us in midlife, because we all want to be as fit and well as possible as we grow older, and let’s be honest, we’d like to keep looking good too. As my latest guest Susan Saunders remarks, “We all know people who are ageing at different rates. Once you get to midlife, everyone starts to age in a very different way – a small part of that is genetic but a lot of it is down to lifestyle.”  Susan has made it her business to compile the very latest research on cellular ageing and some of things she flags up are a real eye-opener in this fascinating discussion on how to age well.

Susan Saunders is a TV producer, author and health coach. She’s spent the last decade researching how to live a longer healthier, happier life and truly believes that we can change the way we age. The fruits of this research led to her co-authoring The Age-Well Project, a brilliant book on the science of ageing and she’s just published her new book The Age-Well Plan which is full of simple strategies to apply the science in our everyday lives and help us all to lead a longer, healthier, happier life.

This episode is packed with fascinating information about cellular ageing and how we can slow it down to be the best possible version of ourselves as we move through midlife and into old age.  Susan is a fount of interesting information about how we can do some very simple things to get results quite quickly. The investment you make into your health now will reap benefits both immediately and in later life, so tune in to find out how you can lay the cornerstones for optimum health and happiness.

Show Notes

To find out more about Susan, her health coaching and any upcoming events, visit her website, Susan Saunders Health.

Visit The Age Well Project for all the details of the Age Well team’s fascinating research, excellent blog and delicious recipes.

Buy your copy of Susan’s book The Age Well Plan: The 6-Week Programme to Kickstart a Longer, Healthier, Happier Life or The Age Well Project which explores the science of ageing that she co-authored with Annabel Abbs.

Follow Susan on Facebook and Instagram.

Useful Products & Resources

These are some of Susan’s favourite books on the science of ageing:

The Changing Mind by Daniel Levitin
Extra Time by Camilla Cavendish
Lifespan by David Sinclair
The XX Brain by Lisa Mosconi
The End of Alzheimer’s Programme by Dr Dale Bredesen

These are some podcasts that Susan recommends:

The Doctor’s Farmacy – Dr Mark Hyman
Found my Fitness – Dr Rhonda Patrick
The Natural Healthcare Network – Deb Macleod
The Doctor’s Kitchen – Dr Rupy Aujla

Listen to Russell Foster, Professor of Circadian Neuroscience discuss the science of sleep and how to improve your slumber.

Visit This Girl Can and find out how you increase your activity level

Find out more about The Blue Zones to help you live longer and better.

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