Nutrition Made Easy For Busy People

Nutrition for Energy Workshop

If you’re tired of feeling tired, you’re not alone! 1 in 5 GP appointments relate to low energy and fatigue. Come along to my Va Va Voom workshop on 7th June at 6.30pm and learn how simple changes to your diet could make a huge difference to your energy and well-being.

What is it?

We’ll explore the different types of tiredness, such as energy highs and lows, constant fatigue, low stamina or lack of mental energy and discuss how the food you’re eating could be impacting your symptoms. You’ll learn my 4-step nutrition plan to improving your energy levels in just 10 days.

What’s included?

  • a 1-hour workshop
  • a 15-minute nutrition consultation
  • a £10 voucher to spend in-store at As Nature Intended
  • drinks and light snacks

When and Where?

The workshop is on 7th June at 6.30pm at:
As Nature Intended, Marble Arch
36 Edgware Road
W2 2 EH

How Much?

Tickets are £11 and you can buy them here

Where Do I Buy the Tickets?

You can buy your tickets by clicking on this Eventbrite link

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