Nutrition Made Easy For Busy People

Reflexology for Supporting Menopause – The Happy Menopause Podcast

Season 5 • Episode 2
Sally Earlam, Reflexologist

Have you ever tried reflexology? It’s way more than just a fancy foot massage! In fact, it’s been used for thousands of years as a therapeutic practice to support health and wellbeing. I’m a fairly recent convert to the wonders of reflexology and I know it makes a huge difference to me. To find out more and to understand the research behind it, I’ve called on the help of expert reflexologist and teacher, Sally Earlam to share her wisdom with us.

She has a background in nursing and has been a reflexologist for 24 years. She’s also a trained teacher and has previously taught the Reflexology Diploma, but now focuses on teaching advanced courses for qualified reflexologists in Menopause, Maternity and Mindful Reflexology.

Sally explains the fascinating history of reflexology and the theory behind it. We discuss the emerging body of research around the health benefits of the practice and how it could make a real difference to hormone balance and your menopause symptoms, as well as more broadly addressing issues such as stress, insomnia and pain management.

We also discuss what to expect from a reflexology session; why you shouldn’t worry if you’re ticklish (yes, really!); and how to find an accredited reflexology practitioner.

After chatting to Sally, I booked a session straight away, as I realised that it’s been a while since I had one. I always feel amazing afterwards and have a brilliant night’s sleep. So how about it? Are you tempted? Why don’t you tune in to find out more? I promise you won’t regret it!

Show Notes

To find out more about Sally’s work, or to book a reflexology session with her, visit her website.

Follow Sally on Instagram or Facebook

For information on reflexology, visit the Association of Reflexology website

To find a professional reflexologist near you in the UK, visit the listing on the Association of Reflexology website.

Check out the AOR interactive hand and foot maps for a bit of self-help

Research References Mentioned in the Podcast

The effects of reflexology on sleep disorder in menopausal women. Maryam Asltoghiri, Zahra Ghodsi. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, Volume 31, 2012, Pages 242-246,

The effects of reflexology applied to women aged between 40 and 60 on vasomotor complaints and quality of life.  Gozuyesil E, Baser M. Complement Ther Clin Pract. 2016 Aug;24:78-85.

The effects of reflexology on depression during menopause: A randomized controlled clinical trial. F Mahdavipour et al. Complementary Therapies in Medicine, Volume 47, 2019,

The impact of reflexology given to postmenopausal women on anxiety, fatigue, and sleep: a randomized-controlled trial

Gökbulut, Nilay PhD1; Ibici Akça, Emine PhD2; Karakayali Ay, Çiğdem MSc3


Sally Earlam is a qualified nurse and dedicated reflexologist, passionate about enhancing women’s health and overall wellbeing.

She has been a reflexologist for 24 years and works part-time for the Association of Reflexologists, the UK’s leading reflexology membership association. She is also a qualified teacher and has previously taught the Reflexology Diploma but now focuses on teaching advanced courses, for qualified reflexologists, in Menopause, Maternity and Mindful Reflexology (support for clients living with stress, anxiety and depression).

She also has a thriving reflexology practice in SE London.

Sally’s professional journey started in nursing 38 years ago, having gained a Nursing Degree from Edinburgh University. After qualifying as a nurse, she worked in several central London Hospitals, was a Macmillan Research Nurse for 10 years looking at the quality of life in patients with advanced bowel cancer, and then worked for the King’s Fund in the Evidence-Based Practice Programme, before changing direction to train as a reflexologist.

Throughout her career, Sally has had numerous publications, including articles on reflexology and contributions to esteemed medical journals with her work on quality of life in advanced bowel cancer and is the lead author of the King’s Fund Publication titled “Cascading Evidence into Practice”. She has also published four reflexology books on Supporting Maternity, Hand Reflexology, Reflexes; Physical and Emotional, and Reflexology for Tots to Teens and is hoping to add a book on Reflexology for Menopause!

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